2014年2月26日 星期三

IELTS Task 1 Bar Chart Sample Answer: Oil Consumption

IELTS Task 1 Sample Answer: Oil Consumption

  • Bar Chart
  • Future Tenses
  • Grouping and comparing predictions

Sample IELTS Task 1 Writing Answer
The bar chart compares the thirst for oil (in billions of barrels per day) in selected OECD and non-OECD countries and regions in 1980, 2008 and in 2030. It can clearly be seen that, while global demand for oil has remained, and is expected to remain, stable in the rich world, it will continue rising, in the developing world.Firstly, despite rising slightly from approximately 41 billion barrels per day in 1980 to around 43 28 years later, the OECD’s total demand is predicted to actually drop below it’s 1980 level. This is likely due to the drop in Japanese and European demand. Even the United States, which accounts for around half of the oil consumed in the rich world, will consume a little less in the future.

Turning to the rest of the world, the figures show that oil consumption will rise dramatically. In fact, it rose around three-quarters from 1980 to 2008 and is forecast to have increased to almost 55 billion by 2030. At this point, its’ oil consumption will be greater than that of the rich world. Of this, Asian consumption will rise the fastest and will be 6 times higher than its’ 1980 level by the end of the period.

In conclusion, while global demand for oil will keep growing, the developing world is going to consume the majority of it in the not too distant future.

Words: 238

Note: Although this answer is much longer than usual, it does contain a lot of information.

From the Economist
A developing thirst
Nov 10th 2009
How demand for oil will change by 2030GLOBAL demand for oil is set to rise from 84.7m barrels per day (bpd) in 2008 to 105m bpd in 2030, says the International Energy Agency in its latest annual energy report. Transport will account for 97% of this increase as rising numbers of cars hit the roads of the developing world. Demand from these countries will overtake that of the industrialised OECD nations by 2030. By then, America, Japan and Europe will be using less oil than in 1980. But the thirst for oil will balloon in Asia—and in India and China in particular—where demand is predicted to rise by as much as 400% compared with 2008.

2014年2月24日 星期一


Selecting information from a graph (Graphs that don’t change)

Should I describe all the information?
No. You should only choose the most important information. If you try to include all the numbers it will be boring, and hard to read.

OK – so what information is important?
This is not an easy question to answer. Usually you should look for the following six features:

  • The biggest / smallest thing
  • Something similar / different (comparisons)
  • Something the same
  • Something surprising / unsurprising
  • Something interesting
  • An exception

However, your graph may not have all of these features.

Example sentences

It is obvious that English was the most commonly spoken language by Internet users.

Unsurprisingly, the number of Chinese was also large.

The number of French and Portuguese users was exactly the same at 73 million each.

The number of Arabic, Russian and Korean users was similar, with 41, 38 and 37 million users respectively.

Korean was the least common language spoken by users.

It is interesting to note that six out of the top ten languages were European, while three were Asian.

There is too much information! I really don’t know what to choose!
If there are a lot of things being compared in the graph, or the information is complex, then you will need to group the information. Here are some ideas:
 Types of things being compared
 Possible groupings
 sports / leisure activities
  dangerous / safe
indoor / outdoor
social / solitary
 countries / languages / people
  Western / Eastern
rich / poor
developed / developing
small / large
 fossil fuels / renewable fuels
polluting / clean
 public / private

Look at this example from the Economist magazine.

Divide the countries into developed and developing. You will a see general pattern:
Generally speaking, developed countries have larger proportion of endangered, highly endangered and extinct languages.

Look at the size of the countries:
With the exception of Papua New Guinea, all the countries are fairly large.

Tip Summary:

  • Look for the six features
  • Group information. (Also good for writing introductions!)

2014年2月23日 星期日

雅思寫作示範: Map – LA Freeways

IELTS Task 1 Writing – Los Angeles’ Freeways
Comparing two past times
Comparing visual information
Before You Read
What kind of overview could you include?
What tenses will you need to use?
The development of freeways in and around Los Angeles from 1995 to 2005
Sample Answer
The two figures show the change in highway development in the Los Angeles area between 1955 and 2005. It can clearly be seen that while in general more freeways were constructed throughout the city of Los Angeles, the largest proportion were built to the South East of the city.
In 1955, there were few highways in the area. The longest ran from Hollywood, to the center of the metropolitan area, and on to the South East. Smaller roads also ran out from the city center to Pasadena, and Alhambra. However, most of the city itself was not connected. Another important point is that at this time the freeway to Long Beach was only half completed. Moreover, the entire route to San Pedro was still under construction.
In contrast, by 2005 there had been a dramatic expansion in the freeway network. Not only had all the previously unfinished roads been completed, but hundreds of additional kilometers had been built, connecting all of the smaller townships, now 15, with the exception of Redondo Beach. It was now possible to travel along the freeway from East to West and North to South.
Answers – Before You Read
The number of freeways increased. The extent of the network grew. More towns were connected. Where most of the freeways tended to be.
Past perfect is useful because you are talking about a time before a time in the past. And past simple.

2014年2月21日 星期五



2014年2月20日 星期四


IELTS Task 1 Writing Tip:
Writing an introduction to a graph

How important is an introduction?

Very important. You need an introduction to help introduce your piece of writing to the reader.

Can I use the title of the graph?
No. If you copy the exact words as the title, the words will not be counted.

What information should I include in the introduction?
the subject of the graph
the time
the place
the categories (if there are over three, don’t bother writing them all out)
the units of measurement (in tonnes, in kilograms etc…)

The bar graph shows the number of male and female civil partnerships in Britain from late 2005 to 2007.

Remember, your introduction does not need to be too complex. Use this opportunity to have a completely correct sentence!

What if the graph is in the past? Should the introduction be in the past tense too?
No. Because you are looking at the graph now, use the present tense in the introduction.

People tell me I need to change the words from the title. How can I do that?
常有人告訴我把Task 1內文裡的字改掉就好…請告訴我該怎麼做?
If the graph describes people from a country, the easiest way is to use a different word form.

國家(名詞) Nationality
England English
Wales Welsh

The line chart compares the English and Welsh General Marriage Rate from 1981 to 2006.

2014年2月19日 星期三




Section 1 稱之為Survival(生存聽力), very basic.

Section 2 應該稱之為Culture(文化聽力),a little more depth.
這一部分主要是向考生們介紹英國,澳大利亞等國的風土人情,如傳統節日、特色旅遊、電台節目、社交生活、校園生活等。但隨著內容的擴充,難度也在擴大,S2 在09出了很多的新題,這還不是最可怕的,因為新題雖多,還入窠臼,新題仍然脫不了一個大範圍——英聯邦國家的文化特色。最可怕的是在題型上足足比S1上 了一個重量級,比如Paraphrasing的難度會增加,會出現更多的Distractive information和keyword postposition.所以在熟悉場景主要內容的基礎上,考生們要更加註重依靠一些’手段’,也就是解題必要的Skills.

Section 3 是Off Class(課下聽力),the most predictable.
S3最可愛的地方在場景易於預測,它的大部分場景都限定在了課前的Course Selection和課後的Tutorial &Off Class Discussion,而且新年也不會有大的突破,多年來如此……這樣一來,熟悉場景的同學在短短的30“讀題完畢之後,就能預測出錄音的大致內容。再加 上題型難度上S3比起S2上升的不多,輔以熟練的解題’手段’,考生們完全可以把S3的”爭分“變為”保分“。

Section 4 是Lecture &Presentation(課上聽力)。
S4是雅思聽力闖關的最後關口,題型難度上不但有雅思拿手的Paraphrasing, Indirect &Distractive Information, Keyword postposition,還會有更加讓人匪夷所思的Paraphrasing of Noun Keywords(名詞關鍵詞的同意轉換),如facility , construction, industry, business等詞都可以進行轉換,更加大了聽力理解難度。所謂業精於勤荒於嬉,要想克服S4的必殺技,一定要勤練技巧,掌握“手段”。 S4在場景上也處於不斷擴充的過程中,這是近幾年的常態,各種學術話題逐年遞增,除了環境科學、生物科學、商科以外、天文學、考古學、歷史學等話題範疇下 的新題也是層出不窮。由於S4場景擴充的可能範圍太廣——自然科學+人文科學,預測勢必難以為之,大家的策略應該是立足“手段”,挑戰“學術”。


要 一個考生集中精神30分鐘,並且專注地聽幾大段的英文,對於全球那麼多母語非英語的考生來說簡直就是非常折磨的事情。再加上還需要完成試卷上的40個題 目,這對於許多考生來說,尤其是基礎較薄弱的考生,根本就是不可能完成的任務。很多考生在考完試之後都抱怨,在聽到第3部分甚至是第4部分的時候,思想總 會不由自主的渙散,導致大面積的沒有跟上,也就無法取得滿意的分數了。

如果僅僅看一篇內容,也許很多考生 都 不會有很大問題,或者僅僅是聽一個7分鐘的材料,明白大意也不會是一件難事。但是當你需要先看懂試卷上的內容,再聽懂5分鐘的材料,並且根據所聽的內容來 完成試卷為給信息的時候,不少考生就會感到非常混亂。自己無法在看和聽中平衡,部分考生甚至乾脆在聽的時候選擇不看試卷,當然他們考試的失敗是可想而知 的。

由於聽力考試大部分都是填空題,精確的填寫詞彙是非常重要的一環。由於時間的關係和思想緊張的原因, 考 試的時候很有可能會寫錯詞,甚至產生幻聽。而這個就是聽力考試中失分最多的一項。有位考生在考完試後無不遺憾的對我說:“老師,我考試的時候忽然忘記 male和female哪一個是男了。”



2014年2月17日 星期一


Part 1
1. What's your full name? What should I call you?

   Tell me about where you live and your town. Where do you live?

   How long have you been living?

2. What are the activities you do when you were a child?

   Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities? Why?

   Do you think now children do the same as what you did when you were a

3. Do you have plants in your house?

   Do you like to have it in your house? Why?

   Have you ever planted anything?

Part 2

1. Describe a letter you received that is important to you.

   You should include who sent it to you, when you received it, what do you do
   about it......

2. 考官問: Do you still keep it?

Part 3

1. How often do you think people write letter now?

2. Do you think letter are different from other kind of messages?

3. Do you think letter is differnt from other messages in business?

4. What are the differences between telephone and letter in business?

2014年2月15日 星期六



What do you plan in your future

what your make...
what do you make it success...


What do you country,Taiwan,children plan in these futurn
What do you ...young...
What do you ...older...
What do we can learn if we plan don't work
Do you think make the plan than older more better



2014年2月14日 星期五

雅思寫作技巧:Task 1常見的錯誤

1. Common Mistake 常見的錯誤
In Task 1 in the IELTS writing section, many students write sentences like:

  (a) The landfill percentage of garbage in Malaysia is 30%.

Or, (b) 10 percentage garbage in Malaysia is in landfill.

(Look at the Pie chart to undersand the sentences)

Correct Answers

(a) Landfill accounts for 30% of garbage in Malaysia.

(b) 10 percent of garbage in Malaysia is in landfill.

2. Tip 技巧
Many students write have problems with percent and percentage.

In the chart below, look at Malaysia and Landfill. The number is 30%.

The correct sentence should be:

A) Landfill accounts for 30 percent of garbage in Malaysia.

or  B) In Malaysia, 30 percent of garbage is in landfill.

In (A), if you want to percent in the object position you need to use the verb account for or makes up.

So, when can I use percentage?

Well, percentage is used for comparing. We can talk about that another time.

3. Practice 練習
Add words and numbers to complete the sentences about the chart.

1. In the UK, __________________________ is disposed.

2. In the USA, landfill __________________________ garbage.

3. __________________________ is recycled in Malaysia.

You can put your answers in the comments below.

2014年2月13日 星期四


Bar chart
Comparing age-groups
Getting Ready
What two pieces of information would you include in your overview?
What is a good way to organize your answer?

Trends in insufficient or no physical activity among Australians aged 18-75, 1997-2000

Sample Answer

The bar chart gives information about the percentage of physically inactive Australians from 18 to 75 years old in 1997, 1999 and 2000. It can not only be seen that the percentage of Australians who don’t do enough exercise generally climbed over the period but that older people are less likely to be active.
First, it is clear that young adults are the most likely to do sufficient physical activity. In 1997, only 1 in 4 young adults were considered to be insufficiently active, though this increased to nearly 30% the next year.
As people age, they become less active. The percentage of 30 to 44 year-old Australians who didn’t do enough exercise averaged around 40%, while that of 45 to 49 year olds was even higher, ranging from 45 to 50%.
However, it was a completely different situation in the oldest Australians in the sample. Surprisingly, not only were 60 to 75 year-olds generally more active than the 45 to 59 year-olds, but over the period they actually became more active. In fact, the percentage of inactive Australians gradually declined to under 45%. This is especially interesting because in 1997, both groups were equally active, with both standing at approximately 50%.
Words 202

Getting Ready Answers

Your overview should mention:
1. As people get older, the become less active
2. As time went on, people generally became less active
Because of the complexity of the information, it is easiest to talk about each age group in turn – moving from left to right. However, you still need to make comparisons between years and age groups.

2014年2月11日 星期二

【學員Albert 推薦】雅思快速進步

大家好,我的名字叫鐘聖淳,我的英文名字是Albert。兩個半月前我正在努力的準備我的大學指考,當時的我可說是英文差到了一個極點。考完之後,家人問我說如果有機會讓我出國念大學的話我有沒有興趣,出國讀書對我來說從小就是個夢想,但一想到英文那麼爛我就覺得不太可能了…有一天我爸經過江子翠捷運站時,發現一家補習班叫作「流利英語學苑」這也使我對出國留學之夢更近一步了。當初家人決定讓我去英國讀書,去英國讀書之所以對我來說很難的原因是因為申請學校需要語言證明,也就是要考「IELTS」,並且要達到該校的標準。我申請的學校標準是5分,但我第一次去考時我連4分都不到,於是我放棄申請台灣的大學,努力在補習班準備雅思。我在這裡上了一到五的白天密集班以及禮拜六的雅思技巧班。我要說的是,這裡的老師們上課很認真又幽默,要不專心真的是太難了。平常下課有問題時老師們也都很樂意幫我們解答。這裡的上課環境是全英文,全部都是外師上課,這裡可說是我第二個家吧,哈哈!就這樣努力兩個月,我又再次上了戰場,十三天後成績出來了,我真的不敢相信我考了5.5分!比學校的要求還高!我的Speaking 5.5, Listening 6, Reading 5.5, Writing 5 分,Overall 5.5分!如果大家想要加強英文或考雅思的話,來「流利英語學苑」就對了!

2014年2月10日 星期一

【學員Mandy 推薦】最佳選擇










