2014年1月23日 星期四

雅思圖表題–長條圖示範 Inactivity in Australia

Bar chart

Comparing age-groups


Trends in insufficient or no physical activity among Australians aged 18-75, 1997-2000



Getting Ready


What two pieces of information would you include in your overview?


What is a good way to organize your answer?

Sample Answer

The bar chart gives information about the percentage of physically inactive Australians from 18 to 75 years old in 1997, 1999 and 2000. It can not only be seen that the percentage of Australians who don’t do enough exercise generally climbed over the period but that older people are less likely to be active.

First, it is clear that young adults are the most likely to do sufficient physical activity. In 1997, only 1 in 4 young adults were considered to be insufficiently active, though this increased to nearly 30% the next year.

As people age, they become less active. The percentage of 30 to 44 year-old Australians who didn’t do enough exercise averaged around 40%, while that of 45 to 49 year olds was even higher, ranging from 45 to 50%.


However, it was a completely different situation in the oldest Australians in the sample. Surprisingly, not only were 60 to 75 year-olds generally more active than the 45 to 59 year-olds, but over the period they actually became more active. In fact, the percentage of inactive Australians gradually declined to under 45%. This is especially interesting because in 1997, both groups were equally active, with both standing at approximately 50%.



Getting Ready Answers

Your overview should mention:

1. As people get older, the become less active

2. As time went on, people generally became less active


Because of the complexity of the information, it is easiest to talk about each age group in turn – moving from left to right. However, you still need to make comparisons between years and age groups.

雅思口說技巧:Part 1常見的錯誤

1. Tip 技巧


Many students say: In my opinion, I think blah blah…


Look at this example:


Examiner: So, do many people own pets in your country?


Candidate: In my opinion, I think they do. Lots of people have dogs, and some have cats.


This is a bit weird. It means “I think I think”. Instead of this, you can try:


Candidate: Well, I think they do. Lots of people have dogs, and some have cats.


Or you could try


- Well, I believe …

- If you ask me, …

- Personally, I think …


Also, if you are not sure, you can say you are not sure, and then add a sentence.


Candidate: Actually, I’m not sure. Maybe they do. Lots of people have dogs, and some have cats.


- It’s hard to say. Maybe ..

 - I’m not sure really. I guess …

- I think it depends (on the person/situation)


2. Practice 練習


With a friend, ask and answer the questions. Try to use the opinion phrases. Or record the questions yourself and record yourself answering them.


Let’s talk about pets.


- Do you have a pet? (Why / why not?)

 - Do many people have pets in your country? (Why/why not?)

 - What pet do you think is the best for a family?


Let’s talk about colors.


- What is your favorite color? (Why?)

 - What kind of colors are popular in your country? (Why/why not?)

 - Do any colors have special meanings in your country?


What other opinion phrases do you know? Write them in the comments!

2014年1月22日 星期三

雅思寫作技巧:Task 1常見的錯誤

1. Common Mistake 常見的錯誤

In Task 1 in the IELTS writing section, many students write sentences like
 (a) The landfill percentage of garbage in Malaysia is 30%.
 Or, (b) 10 percentage garbage in Malaysia is in landfill.
(Look at the Pie chart to undersand the sentences)

Correct Answers

(a) Landfill accounts for 30% of garbage in Malaysia.
(b) 10 percent of garbage in Malaysia is in landfill.

2. Tip 技巧

Many students write have problems with percent and percentage.
In the chart below, look at Malaysia and Landfill. The number is 30%.
IELTS Task 1 pie chart
The correct sentence should be:
      A) Landfill accounts for 30 percent of garbage in Malaysia.
or  B) In Malaysia, 30 percent of garbage is in landfill.
In (A), if you want to percent in the object position you need to use the verb account for or makes up.

So, when can I use percentage?
Well, percentage is used for comparing. We can talk about that another time.

3. Practice 練習

Add words and numbers to complete the sentences about the chart.
1. In the UK, __________________________ is disposed.
2. In the USA, landfill __________________________ garbage.
3. __________________________ is recycled in Malaysia.

You can put your answers in the comments below.

2014年1月19日 星期日


Task 1 Writing Sample Answer – Smoking in Britain (2)


Line Chart                                   線型圖
Comparing men and women         比較男女
Talking about a “gap”                   注意差距的分析

Identifying key points                    把重要的時間點定義出來

Sample Answer                            作答舉例

The line chart compares the smoking rate for British men and women from 1948 to 2007.

Most interestingly, although smoking was much more popular among men than women at the start of the period (65% and 40% respectively), by 2007 they were nearly identical (approximately 27% and 25% respectively). In other words, the gap between both groups narrowed considerably.

There are two other points of interest. First, despite a small rise in popularity in the 50s, men tended to smoke less over the time. In contrast, after falling to about 35% in 1955, more women suddenly began to smoke. Their smoking rate continued to increase until peaking at around 43% in 1972.

The second point is the dramatic decline in the popularity of smoking from 1972. After this point, the percentage of male and female smokers plunged, with both dropping to around 30% by 1990.

In conclusion, despite the temporary rise in the popularity of smoking among women, it can clearly be seen that the percentage of smokers of both sexes dropped significantly over the period. In addition, the gap between both groups narrowed considerably.

186 Words

2014年1月17日 星期五






Section 1 稱之為Survival(生存聽力) very basic.



Section 2 應該稱之為Culture(文化聽力)a little more depth.

這一部分主要是向考生們介紹英國,澳大利亞等國的風土人情,如傳統節日、特色旅遊、電台節目、社交生活、校園生活等。但隨著內容的擴充,難度也在擴大,S2 09出了很多的新題,這還不是最可怕的,因為新題雖多,還入窠臼,新題仍然脫不了一個大範圍——英聯邦國家的文化特色。最可怕的是在題型上足足比S1 了一個重量級,比如Paraphrasing的難度會增加,會出現更多的Distractive informationkeyword postposition.所以在熟悉場景主要內容的基礎上,考生們要更加註重依靠一些’手段’,也就是解題必要的Skills.


Section 3 Off Class(課下聽力)the most predictable.

 S3最可愛的地方在場景易於預測,它的大部分場景都限定在了課前的Course Selection和課後的Tutorial &Off Class Discussion,而且新年也不會有大的突破,多年來如此……這樣一來,熟悉場景的同學在短短的30“讀題完畢之後,就能預測出錄音的大致內容。再加 上題型難度上S3比起S2上升的不多,輔以熟練的解題’手段’,考生們完全可以把S3的”爭分“變為”保分“。


Section 4 Lecture &Presentation(課上聽力)

S4是雅思聽力闖關的最後關口,題型難度上不但有雅思拿手的Paraphrasing Indirect &Distractive Information Keyword postposition,還會有更加讓人匪夷所思的Paraphrasing of Noun Keywords(名詞關鍵詞的同意轉換),如facility construction industry business等詞都可以進行轉換,更加大了聽力理解難度。所謂業精於勤荒於嬉,要想克服S4的必殺技,一定要勤練技巧,掌握“手段”。 S4在場景上也處於不斷擴充的過程中,這是近幾年的常態,各種學術話題逐年遞增,除了環境科學、生物科學、商科以外、天文學、考古學、歷史學等話題範疇下 的新題也是層出不窮。由於S4場景擴充的可能範圍太廣——自然科學+人文科學,預測勢必難以為之,大家的策略應該是立足“手段”,挑戰“學術”。








  一個考生集中精神30分鐘,並且專注地聽幾大段的英文,對於全球那麼多母語非英語的考生來說簡直就是非常折磨的事情。再加上還需要完成試卷上的40個題 目,這對於許多考生來說,尤其是基礎較薄弱的考生,根本就是不可能完成的任務。很多考生在考完試之後都抱怨,在聽到第3部分甚至是第4部分的時候,思想總 會不由自主的渙散,導致大面積的沒有跟上,也就無法取得滿意的分數了。



 如果僅僅看一篇內容,也許很多考生 不會有很大問題,或者僅僅是聽一個7分鐘的材料,明白大意也不會是一件難事。但是當你需要先看懂試卷上的內容,再聽懂5分鐘的材料,並且根據所聽的內容來 完成試卷為給信息的時候,不少考生就會感到非常混亂。自己無法在看和聽中平衡,部分考生甚至乾脆在聽的時候選擇不看試卷,當然他們考試的失敗是可想而知 的。



 由於聽力考試大部分都是填空題,精確的填寫詞彙是非常重要的一環。由於時間的關係和思想緊張的原因, 試的時候很有可能會寫錯詞,甚至產生幻聽。而這個就是聽力考試中失分最多的一項。有位考生在考完試後無不遺憾的對我說:“老師,我考試的時候忽然忘記 malefemale哪一個是男了。”





2014年1月16日 星期四


IELTS Speaking Tips Part 2 –
Individual Long Turn 雅思口說測驗奪分技巧 第二部份

Just to remind you there are three parts to the speaking test:

Part 1 Short questions on common topics that most test-takers should be able to answer

Part 2 Individual Long Turn

Part 3 Discussion

This post doesn’t deal with part 1. If you have trouble with part 1, then you really should not be doing IELTS yet!

 Format The examiner gives you a question on a card. It’ll look something like this: 口試官會給您一張卡片,上面會有題目,看起來就像下面:

Describe something that was given to you that you think is important 


What it is and what it looks like

Who gave to you

Where you keep it

And explain why it is important to you.

You have one minute to think about the question you are given and to make notes if you want.

Dos 一定要做:

Do let the examiner finish reading the question to you (they have to, it is in their script) 

Do take the time to think about your ideas. Use the minute to think of useful words and phrases. 

Do use the prompts (mini-questions) on the cards to organize your talk. It helps you when you get stuck! 

Do ask the examiner if you are not sure about a word. You won’t get a lower mark! 

Don’ts 千萬不要做: 

Don’t start with a pre-prepared or memorized speech. 

Don’t talk about a different topic. 

Don’t write sentences when you take notes. You don’t have time!

Don’t be worried about talking constantly the whole time. It isn’t natural. Pause sometimes and then move on to the next part of your talk. 

Other common questions 其他常見問題解答: 

Q. Do I need to answer all the mini-questions on the card?
No. They are there to help you. You must answer the main question.

Q. Do I need to talk for the entire two minutes?
No. You should probably talk between 1.5 to 2 minutes. Examiners have to keep to a time schedule. So, when the examiner is trying to make you stop talking, just stop!

Q. Why does the examiner (sometimes) ask follow-up questions after my Individual long talk?
This is part of the script. If you don’t talk for long, the examiner will ask up to two extra questions. Please keep your answers fairly short! Don’t try to talk for 30 seconds or a minute!

Tips for getting better 讓您考得更好的私房妙招

Every person is different but there are some things everyone needs to do.
1. Improve your general English fluency It is a good idea to practice talking with NO preparation. Cut up short topics or questions. Randomly pick one and try to talk for at least a minute. 

2. Practice using the prompts. It is helpful to ask yourself the mini-questions and then answer them. This uses up time, sounds natural, and helps keep your answer well-organized. So, who gave it to me? Well, . . . And why do I think it is important? I suppose it’s because . . .

3. Use filler phrases when you are stuck Practice some chunks or English phrases to explain that you can’t remember or you’ve forgotten a word. What was I saying? Oh! That’s right . . . um . . . [continue speaking] Oh, what’s that word? It’s on the tip of my tongue . . . Where was I? / What was I talking about? Well, anyway . . .

4. You can also practice talking about types of Part 2 questions. The following types are common: People A famous person who you would like to meet. A person who influenced you when you were young. Events and situations A time you were late. A cultural event you have been to. Objects Something you would really like to buy. Something you own that is very useful. Interests A hobby you would like to take up. An interest you have enjoyed doing. Stories/messages An interesting letter or email you received. A news story or article you recently read. REMEMBER the aim is to sound natural!

2014年1月15日 星期三

學習英文:Travel & Tourism旅行與觀光篇

transfer [trænsˋfɝ]

vi 轉換;搬遷


My flight from New York to China is so long that I must transfer at Bangkok.


同義字詞: change planes


The luggage was quickly transferred from the plane onto the luggage carousel to be picked up.




souvenir [ˋsuvə͵nɪr]

C 紀念品


Once you’ve bought all the souvenirs you can handle, take your receipts to the tax-refund counter.


同義字詞: keepsake

schedule [ˋskɛdʒʊl]

(1)vt 安排
The travel agent spent several hours with us scheduling every aspect of our trip around the world.


同義字詞: plan, organize
(2)C 行程


My friend wants to travel around Europe in 6 weeks so he will be on a very tight schedule.


同義字詞: plan, agenda
package [ˋpækɪdʒ]

(1)C 包裹


It is best to insure a package when sending it from abroad in case it doesn’t arrive.


同義字詞: parcel

(2)ph 套裝行程


A package holiday can be a good bargain and value for money, although you have less freedom.


overcrowding [͵ovɚˋkraʊdɪŋ]

U 壅塞


In the peak tourist season, the main roads suffer from overcrowding.


同義字: congestion

fare [fɛr]

(1)C 票價


Train fares are significantly higher than last year and are now about $20 per person.


同義字: ticket price

(2)U 伙食


The fare was simple but very filling, with everyone eating as much as they could.


 同義字: food

deport [dɪˋport]

vt 驅逐出境

I read the newspaper yesterday saying that the government had to deport a foreigner as he had broken the law..


同義字: expel, send home
相關字: deportee (n)

criteria [kraɪˋtɪrɪə]

U 標準


There are a number of criteria that must be met to qualify as a five-star hotel.

同義字: criterion (singular, n)





ancient [ˋenʃənt]

adj 古代的


Many countries have ancient ruins that hold a lot of history.


同義字: very old

反義字: modern, contemporary


n=名詞  adj=形容詞  adv=副詞  vt=及物動詞  vi=不及物動詞  ph=片語  C=可數名詞

U=不可數名詞  Synonym=同義字詞  Antonym=反義字詞  Related word=相關字詞

由「雅思應考勝經核心單字」作者Benjamin Adams (Ben老師)熱情提供