2014年1月23日 星期四

雅思圖表題–長條圖示範 Inactivity in Australia

Bar chart

Comparing age-groups


Trends in insufficient or no physical activity among Australians aged 18-75, 1997-2000



Getting Ready


What two pieces of information would you include in your overview?


What is a good way to organize your answer?

Sample Answer

The bar chart gives information about the percentage of physically inactive Australians from 18 to 75 years old in 1997, 1999 and 2000. It can not only be seen that the percentage of Australians who don’t do enough exercise generally climbed over the period but that older people are less likely to be active.

First, it is clear that young adults are the most likely to do sufficient physical activity. In 1997, only 1 in 4 young adults were considered to be insufficiently active, though this increased to nearly 30% the next year.

As people age, they become less active. The percentage of 30 to 44 year-old Australians who didn’t do enough exercise averaged around 40%, while that of 45 to 49 year olds was even higher, ranging from 45 to 50%.


However, it was a completely different situation in the oldest Australians in the sample. Surprisingly, not only were 60 to 75 year-olds generally more active than the 45 to 59 year-olds, but over the period they actually became more active. In fact, the percentage of inactive Australians gradually declined to under 45%. This is especially interesting because in 1997, both groups were equally active, with both standing at approximately 50%.



Getting Ready Answers

Your overview should mention:

1. As people get older, the become less active

2. As time went on, people generally became less active


Because of the complexity of the information, it is easiest to talk about each age group in turn – moving from left to right. However, you still need to make comparisons between years and age groups.

