2014年4月28日 星期一


Part 1
[The city you live]
1. Where do you live now?
2. What are the reasons you dislike the city?
3. Do you want to live in this city for a long time in the future?
1. What kind of clothes do you wear at college?
2. Did you like to wear special clothes at parties?
3. Do you think people spend too much on clothes nowadays?
4. Do you think you will change your clothing style when you leave the college
 and go back to your hometown?

Part 2
Describe an event that changes your life in a good way.
One additional question:
Are you a person who likes change?
Part 3
1. Do you think nowadays people like to change their jobs several times in the
ir lives? Why?
2. Do you think the working environment in Taiwan will get better in the future?

