Students always ask me: “How can I read better!” I always say the same things. This post is about one of them.
The key to reading better is to read a lot. As you read, you learn vocabulary and you “see” the way words are used. This means, you understand more language. It also helps your writing because you “know” how to use English words.
What should I read?
This depends on what your purpose is. If you want to have better general English skills, then novels (if you are advanced) or graded readers are better because they have more dialogs (spoken English written down). If you are interested in reading and writing about business, then the business pages from newspapers would be a good place.
Here are some suggestions:
online blogs
news websites
English learning magazines
parts of the newspaper
English novels
graded readers
If you are just interested in learning English and having fun, the best thing to read are Graded Readers.
OK. What is a Graded Reader?
Graded Readers are books with simplified language. This means the grammar and vocabulary are controlled. So the language is not too easy and not too hard. It is all at the same level.
Graded readers often have recordings as well so you can follow the speaker.
There are many different types of graded readers
Original stories
Short stories
Books from films
Famous stories (simplified)
You can also find every type (genre_ such as horror stories, love stories, murder and mystery etc.
Here are some publishers
Cambridge Readers
Oxford Graded Readers
Penguin Readers Sample Pages
Do graded readers have comprehension questions?
All the books by major publishers have pre- (before) during and post- (after) reading questions and exercises. It is a good idea to do these because it will force you to read carefully!
How do I choose a Graded Reader?
Graded readers are usually organized into 6 levels and a starter level.
Level 1 Beginner
Level 2 Elementary
Level 3 Pre-intermediate
Level 4 Intermediate
Level 5 High Intermediate
Level 6 Advanced
Most of the publishers follow the same system. But there will be some differences between books and publishers.
Open the book randomly. Read a whole page. Count how man words you don’t know.
0 – 1 words – this level is probably too easy for you
2 – 6 words – this level is probably about right
6 + – this level is probably too hard for you
Be careful. When you count words that you don’t know, don’t count place names and people’s names.
Also, often you think you know a word but maybe you don’t in this context. It is possible it has more than one meaning, or it is part of a phrase.
If the book seems to easy or too hard, pick another from the next level up or down. Or, if you are not sure, pick up another graded reader of the same level.
Sounds great! Where can I get Graded Readers?
Well, you come in and see us, or you can check out various bookstores like ESLITE, Caves and the ESL Book Shop.
Hope this helps!
Happy reading!
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